Thursday, December 5, 2019

Asia Pacific Summit 2019: Cambodia, Video Inside

The following is a letter from Dr. Young Ho Yun, Secretary-General, Cheon Jeong Gung Headquarters on November 19, 2019 about True Mother’s World Tour and the 40-Day Cosmic Canaan Course for the Firm Establishment of Cheon Il Guk, which began on Monday, November 18, 2019 leading up to the Clergy Rally on December 28 in Newark, New Jersey. 
Beloved Cheon Il Guk leaders, blessed families!
May Heavenly Parent’s and True Parents’ blessings and grace be with you.
The Asia-Pacific Summit, a part of True Mother’s global speaking tour for the firm establishment of a heavenly world, was opened today at the Phnom Penh Peace Palace.
As soon as True Mother arrived in Cambodia, she offered the most serious spiritual conditions and began this morning with today’s historic event.
A welcoming banquet, with representatives from the participating 54 nations was suddenly proposed by Prime Minister Hun Sen the night before, in special consideration of True Mother. The banquet had originally not been on the schedule. When I reported this proposal to True Mother early in the morning, True Mother joyfully accepted Prime Minister Hun Sen’s proposal, and arrived at the Peace Palace for the welcoming banquet earlier than expected.
Prime Minister Hun Sen was the first to enter the welcoming banquet, and individually welcomed all representatives of the 54 nations as they came in. True Mother was the last to enter as the co-host of the Summit. Prime Minister Hun Sen warmly welcomed True Mother and personally took True Mother to her place at the head table. Mother and Prime Minister Hun Sen sat side-by-side. The welcoming banquet began soon afterwards.
This was actually the first time for the Cambodian government to co-host an event with a civilian organization. This was cause of great concern, as well as much opposition within the Cambodian government itself. These tensions and concerns, however, all dissolved at once through the historic meeting between Prime Minister Hun Sen and True Mother today.
After the banquet began, Prime Minister Hun Sen made a statement in front of everyone, explaining the purpose of the Asia-Pacific Summit, and the history of Cambodia. True Mother made additional points to Prime Minister Hun Sen’s statement, speaking about the true meaning of this Summit.

Whether small or big, for nations to become one, they must find the parents they have lost. Hence, the purpose of this summit is to let people know that the Creator, God, whom we have lost, is our Parent. Many righteous people have emerged in each era and discussed issues of peace, but none were able to let people know about our Parent, who is the origin of this universe. Even religions, which taught about “goodness,” did not know that cause and ended up dividing into many denominations.
God is eternal. His beginning and end are the same. Hence, He had to absolutely bring to completion His principle of creation. Human history has flowed for about 6,000 years and the time has come for providential history to reach its conclusion. The time has come for all people to attend God as our Parent.
A lot of damage has continued to be caused due to humankind living in ignorance of God. Even when we look at the state of affairs today, we cannot become one because the ‘big’ nations are prioritizing their national interests. Heaven, however, does not wait.
I am grateful to Prime Minister Hun Sen of Cambodia for making this wise decision. Even though circumstances are different from the launching of the International Summit Council for Peace (ISCP) in Africa and on other continents, the Asia-Pacific Summit organized by UPF is an occasion at which our Heavenly Parent is being attended. Hence, the future is hopeful.
It is noteworthy that, through the Korean War, Korea was divided into Democracy and Communism. The issue, however, is that neither Communist thought nor Democratic thought can be eternal since these ideologies are not in attendance with Heaven. We are creations of God, the Owner of this universe. I am talking about how things went wrong and how we ended up living in an environment where we cannot live with God. As I am also talking about the truth of God’s providence, and the truth about history, heads of state are coming forward to follow this path, becoming one with me. This path alone is the future of humanity. Our beautiful children are living on planet Earth, and yet, our planet Earth is in much agony. Knowing God’s desire and will to make it into an environment for us, I have accepted this work as my mission. Hence, I sincerely welcome you for participating in such hopeful divine work.
Like a waterfall, True Mother poured out her message for about 10 minutes at the banquet, deeply moving the participants. And, in gratitude, all participants responded to her message with a warm round of applause.
This was Prime Minister Hun Sen’s answer to True Mother’s message:
“I support the Asia-Pacific Union. Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon spoke about the Asia-Pacific Union and we want to participate in it. Hence, I would like to express my support through this Summit. Let us now begin the Summit, which I feel will yield very good results.”
It was indeed a profoundly significant banquet. According to the words of a Cambodian government official, not once had Prime Minister Hun Sen showed so much consideration and special devotion toward an outside VIP before this time.
The following day, True Mother and Prime Minister Hun Sen entered the stage together, side-by-side, for the Opening Plenary of the historic Summit. Some 700 leaders from 54 nations are attending the Summit. Some of the leaders include Prime Minister Hun Sen himself as well as Vice-President Henry Van Thio of Myanmar, Vice-President Raynold of Palau, and Speaker Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury of Bangladesh. The program began with the national anthem of Cambodia, after which Prime Minister Hun Sen gave the opening address. Chairman José de Venecia, of the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP), then spoke and introduced True Mother. True Mother came out to the podium where she spoke on the theme “Our Responsibility for the Completion of Heaven’s Providence.” For some 20 minutes, True Mother spoke on the subject of the firm settlement of the era of the Pacific Civilization, the destination of God’s final providence. She once more declared the Asia-Pacific Union, that she had proposed and proclaimed at the [link] Nagoya Rally of Hope. Towards the end of her message, True Mother said, “We cannot confidently say that all systems created by man for the sake of peace have been successful. However, today, through the wise decision of Prime Minister Hun Sen, I am able to announce this Asia-Pacific Union, which operates in unity with True Mother, God’s Only Begotten Daughter. I offer my sincere gratitude and render all glory to Heaven for this precious moment. Please know that this will become a source of hope for humanity.” Prime Minister Hun Sen responded to these words with a bright smile.
Following Mother’s message, six current and former heads of state, including the vice-president of Myanmar, gave keynote addresses. Their speeches created a platform that significantly addressed the sustainable development of the Asia-Pacific region based on interdependence, mutual prosperity, and universal values. The vice-president of Myanmar proclaimed that Myanmar will host the third Asia-Pacific Summit in the second half of next year, receiving much applause from participating leaders.
Later, the inauguration of the ISCP Asia-Pacific Chapter and the presentation of ISCP medals were conducted with True Mother. ISCP was established in Seoul, South Korea in February this year. First, True Mother and Prime Minister Hun Sen signed together on the Resolution for the Establishment of ISCP Asia-Pacific. A very significant moment from the inauguration and presentation of medals occurred when Prime Minister Hun Sen received an ISCP medal from True Mother and officially became an ISCP member. Eight former and current national leaders, including the vice-president of Myanmar, the vice-president of Palau, and the former president of East Timor (Nobel laureate) received the ISCP medal on this day. With this, ISCP Asia-Pacific, which will serve as a pillar to back the Asia-Pacific Union providence, came to be established. ISCP Asia-Pacific will work together with IAPP Asia-Pacific and IADP Asia-Pacific in carrying out the precious mission of firmly establishing the era of the Asia-Pacific Civilization.
Later, Prime Minister Hun Sen also presented True Mother with a medal as a token of his gratitude. True Mother was presented with the Royal Order of Sahametrei, which is the highest Sahametrei medal presented under the approval of the King of Cambodia that is equivalent to the Grand Cross. It is the highest medal presented by the government of Cambodia. Finally, True Mother presented Prime Minister Hun Sen with a Good Governance Award. The entire Opening Plenary came to an end with a commemorative group photo.
In the afternoon, three sessions were conducted. Session 1: Paradigm for Peace and Economic Development; Session 2: The Role of the Media and Education in the Building of a Nation and Peace; Session 3: The Role of Faith-Based Organizations and Civil Societies for Peace and Reconciliation. Enthusiastic discussions ensued from various points of view on sustainable development centered on interdependence, mutual prosperity, and universal values.
At 4:30 in the afternoon, Prime Minister Hun Sen arranged an informal meeting at the Peace Palace with Chairman Chung Sik Yong of Asia-Pacific, myself (Secretary-General Young Ho Yun), Dr. Thomas Walsh of UPF International, and Chairman José de Venecia, to express his gratitude for this Summit. At the meeting, Prime Minister Hun Sen once more gave his promise to participate at the 2020 Summit Conference in Korea and the Asia-Pacific Summit to be held in the Philippines next year. I conveyed True Mother’s special message to Prime Minister Hun Sen. In her message, True Mother expressed her hope that the will God is seeking to realize through Prime Minister Hun Sen can be realized, and that, as Heavenly Cambodia, the nation will contribute to the model of a world that enjoys eternal peace. Mother also expressed her hope that the prime minister will join her in achieving peace in the Asia-Pacific region through the Asia-Pacific Union, and beyond that, in contributing to the realization of world peace; moreover, that he will become a symbolic leader of peace. Prime Minister Hun Sen responded with a bright smile and loud applause, expressing his gratitude for True Mother’s message.
On this day at 6:30 p.m., at the banquet hosted by the Prime Minister at the Sokha Hotel, Prime Minister Hun Sen declared the Phnom Penh Declaration in front of all participating former and current heads of state as well as all ambassadors serving in Cambodia. The declaration stated Cambodia’s support for True Mother’s peace vision, and the nine points of action required for its implementation. The declaration particularly emphasized Cambodia’s support for the Asia-Pacific Union. Just as True Mother often mentions, this was a historic and remarkable moment when the first became last and the last became first.
Beloved Cheon Il Guk leaders and members! So many providential incidents happened today that I cannot include everything in one letter. The providential path that True Mother took today simply transcends the general concept of time and was truly a day that condensed 1,000 years. From early in the morning to late at night, True Mother solely thinks of Heaven’s providence. True Mother, tonight, is surely unable to sleep, thinking about tomorrow’s Blessing Ceremony and offering devotions for its success. Hence, the precious devotion of leaders and members for True Mother is needed more than ever before.
After today’s Opening Plenary, True Mother said, “Heavenly Parent and True Father will be tremendously happy.” From these words, we can already sense today’s providential meaning.
I would like to once more ask all leaders and members to offer profound devotions for the victory of the “40-Day Cosmic Canaan Course for the Firm Establishment of Cheon Il Guk” and True Mother’s long life and good health.
Thank you.

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