Thursday, December 20, 2018

Home True Parents Speeches Peace and Family Festival & Hyo Jeong Cosmic Blessing in Zimbabwe, True Parents’ Benediction (11.21.2018)

Peace and Family Festival & Hyo Jeong Cosmic Blessing in Zimbabwe, True Parents’ Benediction
November 21, 2018 - National Sports Stadium, Harare

Most precious and high Heavenly Parent!
Because Adam and Eve, who were to have become the ancestors of all humankind, did not obey your will, for us to see this day, God, our Creator, had no choice but to lead the long providence of restoration through indemnity, in accordance with Heavenly Parent's principles of creation. It took God four thousand long years to carry out the providence of restoration through indemnity and finally send Jesus Christ to become the True Parent of humankind. But the people of Israel and Mary, who gave birth to him, were unable to fulfill their responsibilities. This resulted in Jesus going the way of the cross; yet, he promised to return. The blessed families who will receive the Blessing here today are the fruit of the blood, sweat, and tears You have shed during the sorrowful history of the providence of restoration.
Through Your ideal of creation, you wanted to love and embrace all people as Your children. Yet the ancestors that had responsibility failed to fulfill it, and two thousand years passed as we waited for the day Jesus Christ would return. Heaven, however, can no longer work through a people that fails to fulfill its responsibility. This is because such a people has indemnity left to pay.
It was only after 6,000 years that you were able to send your only begotten daughter, whom You could be called “My beloved daughter.” As a result of this, in 1960, True Parents finally appeared. Therefore, until now, hundreds of millions of couples in the spiritual and physical worlds have been blessed and have expanded the realm that you, our Heavenly Parent, can occupy. Today, You have sent your only begotten daughter, the True Mother, to Africa, a continent hurting with much bitter pain, and to Zimbabwe, in particular, a country You love so much, to bless the virtuous men and woman gathered here today.
Fallen people cannot go to their Heavenly Parent without being reborn and resurrected through the grace of the Blessing given by True Parents. By this, I mean they cannot become Your children. Today’s Blessing Ceremony is therefore an occasion in which people in both the spiritual and physical worlds are participating. I pray that through those who are receiving the Blessing today, everyone can know that today is a new start for a history that went wrong.
The blessed families who received the Blessing today have a responsibility. This is not just for one’s family; each couple needs to become tribal messiahs that share the grace of the Blessing with their neighbors and tribes. Please bear in mind that the true owners of Zimbabwe, which has the meaning “the venerated house of Christ,” are all of you who received the Blessing here today.
Our God above! How long have you waited and endured to see this moment! Now, starting from this place, the entire continent of Africa will become Heavenly Africa, centered on God and this nation will become Heavenly Zimbabwe. I ask once again that you lead the way in establishing the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, where blessed families live will with freedom, equality, peace, and happiness on earth, and with joy and glory in heaven. I pray and proclaim all of this in the name of the True Parents. Aju!

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