Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Interfaith Peace Blessing Ceremony in Bavil District Battambang Province, Cambodia

Interfaith Peace Blessing Ceremony in Bavil District Battambang Province, Cambodia

By UPF-Cambodia, FFWUP-Cambodia: On the basis of the Interfaith Peace Blessing Ceremony in Battambang city which has held on September 16, 2018, Family Federation World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) -Cambodia, Battambang branch became to increase the numbers of blessed families. Following the Vision 2020, UPF-Cambodia, FFWPU-Cambodia Battambang branch started to expand its foundation to district to district and commune to commune. (Cambodia has administrative unit, divided into 25 provinces, 25 provinces is divided into districts, each district divided into commune.) FFWPU-Cambodia, Battambang branch decided to hold 2nd Interfaith Peace Blessing Ceremony (IPBC) at Bavil District, Battambang Province.

On September 16, 2018, FFWPU-Cambodia at Boeung Praim commune, Bavil district, Battambang province. More than 430 couples were attended this Interfaith Peace Blessing Ceremony. As pre-program, Mr.Srey Kivsokhomdirector of provincial teacher training center. gave the lecture “Family as the school of love and peace”. He explained with this presentation about the value of re-building ideal family is the only the way for building peace. Many of participants made up their mind to become the families who could encourage their community to expand heaven’s blessing through this presentation.
The Holy Wine Ceremony was officiated by Mr. & Mrs. Vuthy Long. At the same time, they offered the prayer to all participants wishing that they can receive True Parents’ grace which has the power of changing blood lineage for new life, new love and new lineage. All the participants couples were received the holy wine so seriously and determined automatically volunteered for working peace for community.

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