Sunday, September 2, 2018

Cambodia: Heavenly Tribal Messiah Workshop

Cambodia: Heavenly Tribal Messiah Workshop

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By UPF-Cambodia, FFWPU-Cambodia
June 16th 2016, UPF-Cambodia Battambang Branch held 1 day workshop with theme “Peace Family Education Seminar.” We had 46 participants, who came from Battambang Province, Bantey Meanchay Province and Pursat Province. It was taught Divine Principle, Hoon Dok Guidance, True Parents Life Course and Family Pledge as the condition of receiving Holy Wine. Specific thing for this workshop; participants are not ordinary Blessed Members but they are the Blessed Family from newly witnessed from Heavenly Tribal Messiah Activities. They are the leaders in their tribe who will fulfill the 430 families, (some of them are the one already fulfilled) and they are the provincial government leaders. (1 Provincial Deputy Governor, 12 District Representatives, 2 universities’ directors and 4 medias)
When we learned and understood about the content of Divine Principle, we always became to know what we had to do in our life. To let the many people to know True Parents, conveying the Heaven’s Blessing to our community. Most of this workshop participants, they are the one who became to know True Parents through Heavenly Tribal Messiah activities which has done last 1 year. Even some of them just became to know True Parents a few months ago. Whether they are new as the Blessed Members, but they are the one who works in the society, especially in the government field, they are the one who had been challenge in order to make better community. Always their point is how to make Divine Principle taking into action.
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Basically main lecture was given by Mr. Hajime Saito, Sub-Regional Director, UPF-Indochina and Mr. Chamroeun Sophal, Secretary General, UPF-Cambodia. Meeting itself was leaded by H.E. Chong Phet, Deputy Governor of Bantey Meanchay Province. H.E. Chong Phet had an experience traveling all twenty-five provinces in Cambodia together with Dr. Chung Sik Yong, regional chair for UPF-Asia. He shared his experience of prayer tour for 25 provinces, saying “That was the God’s Hope of Cambodia to save the people of this nation. During this tour, especially we pray for the peace of this nation, especially 50,000 youth rally in Phnom Penh. Unfortunately, situation was not allowed to do this rally in Phnom Penh but if we do 2,500 people rally for 20 times, that is the same as we do for 50,000 people rally. If we do 3,000 people rally for 20 times, it will be 60,000 people rally. It’s important for us to do our event surely and effectively. We are still the beginner as the member, so we need to learn from Mr. Hajime and Mr. Sophal about True Parents, but we are the one who bring this ideology to come substantial. “
Mr. Chhum Bunny, Concil of Malai District, Bantey Meanchay Province, (He is the Heavenly Tribal Messiah who fulfilled 430 Families) mentioned “It is possible through my network to find much more Blessed Families who can follow for our tradition in Pailin Province, Oddor Meanchay Province even in Preah Vihear Province. In this provinces, we can find 430 families each and when we could reach for the 430 families each, these HTM can find another 430 families, too. Once we could really catch the meaning of Heavenly Tribal Messiah, you would know to expand this Heaven’s Blessing is our responsibility. I used to train solders to die, but Heavenly Tribal Messiah is to give the life to the people. (Mr. Bunny is the general commander during the civil war) It is easier for me to do that. Now we have to make clear system how to take care this 430 couples. I already made the structure to set up 21 leaders under me. I will take care these 21 leaders and these 21 leaders will take care 20 families. In my place (Malai District, Bantey Meanchay Province), we already have community hall, it is ready to go with this structure. Now we need a temple where we can worship True Parents. “
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Mr. Cheng Sakhom, General Director, The League of Democratic Journalist, Poipet City, Bantey Meanchay Province (He is the retired General, he is on the way to complete 430 families); “I am the one who have worked for peace in many years. Real peace would come from family. Externally there is the many reason for broken family and in Cambodia majority of the reason for divorce is the economic reason but the root is the man and woman problem. Heavenly Tribal Messiah, is the encouragement more than the teaching. Some people misunderstood us, even some case they mentioned that our activities is the political activities especially relate to the opposition party. Sometimes I needed to spend my time almost whole night to explain them. Once they know what we are doing, they want to join with us. “
With the attention of Dr. Yong, Continental Director to Asia, Cambodia movement grows rapidly centering on Ambassadors for Peace. Ambassadors for Peace from Cambodia, especially those who were connected through Heavenly Tribal Messiah (in order to educate AFPs in Cambodia, we are sending to Bangkok to attend Asian Leadership Conference, Once AFPs attended ALC, without exception, these AFPs works for Heavenly Tribal Messiah) they became same standard as regular members. They are the government officers, they are the school principal, they are the university directors. With the activities of Heavenly Tribal Messiah, we could see the possibility of national restoration in this nation.
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